The Scientific Station of São Pedro and São Paulo Archipélago - Brazil


The archipelago São Pedro and São Paulo is located over the São Paulo tectonic fracture (00o56N e 29o22W), about 945 km from the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The larger islands have an area of approximately 7.500 m2 and the highest altitude is 17 m. The local occupation - classified as one of the most inhospitable Brazilian places for the human life - was motivated by scientific, economic, and strategic factors. Conceived in an innovative system using timber (slab beam), the Station was mounted in only 12 days, and it is composed of main building (49 m2), system of salty water treatment to obtain fresh water (desalinized by reverse osmose, tanks, and pumps), system to capture energy (photovoltaic plates, inverters, and batteries), communication system, deposits, and mooring place. The project was proposed with the objective of minimum impact to the environment and maximum comfort taking in account the natural conditions of the region.

Date: 2000

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