Methodology for environmental assessment in Antarctic buildings

Antarctica, known as the most remote, coldest, windiest, driest,
highest, most desert and least inhabited land, presents some of the
worst conditions of habitability on the planet, and stands out for its
environmental vulnerability and scientific importance (Alvarez, 2014).
It is known that the Antarctic continent is the site of scientific research,
whose results have global implications (Dodds et al., 2017).
Researches in the areas of the marine environment, environmental and
climate changes and forecasts, and soil investigations that may lead to
significant pharmacological discoveries (Dodds et al., 2017) are examples
of the above mentioned. It is worth remembering that the inhospitable
conditions, environmental fragility, and isolation will further
encourage the research in the area of construction. These studies
generally rely on the continued human presence on the site and require
that the environment remains without interference that could endanger
the fragile Antarctic ecosystem (Alvarez, 2014). Thus, it is extremely
important to achieve a balance between the interests that attract humans
to Antarctica and the impacts that may be caused by the human
presence there (Bargagli, 2005).

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